What are the greatest teachers in life?
Teacher, the word usually evokes an image of a person. We associate learning with people. But the truth is there is much more learning that one has access to, only if one is open to that kind of learning.
Let’s dive into this ..
Time: One of the greatest teachers known to mankind. Some lessons come only with and at a certain age. As we grow time is an incredible source of learning. Because it shows us
Experiences: Our experiences teach us much more than any book possibly can. It can change our values and beliefs like nothing else. It holds the key to powerful transformation
Anguish: In the heartbreak and pain of life are lessons of survival and resilience. It’s the pain we ensure that is a master trainer in life. We learn to be self compassionate probably for the first time in our life
Cheats: The only thing worse than a heartbreak is betrayal. To have one’s faith and trust broken teaches to evaluate oneself more closely.
Hopeless: The moments of failure are wrapped in sheer hopelessness and lack of direction. But failure is a powerful teacher. It can help you unearth strengths unknown to you and bring hope in darkest times
Errors: We are humans. And bound to make errors even on a day to day basis. These errors can be tiny but carry important learnings if we begin to notice them
Rejections: What heartbreak is to personal life, rejection is to process life.
Everyone no matter how good one is, even the greatest have been rejected. And that brings lessons for all of us.
State of penury; Empty pockets and financial instability are marvelous though scary teachers. Tales of survival are written in this state.
I am sure all readers have met these teachers, do note down your learnings by revisiting those moments.
Dr Simmi Roy Mishra
Physician and Mindset Coach
T +91 9821735240
Life Coaching Services
502/8 Uttorayan, Matigara
West Bengal,